Posted on: November 08, 2017

Update from the Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues in Food (PRiF)

All EU countries have a national monitoring programme and all major components of national diet are sampled for pesticide residues. The Food Standards Agency (FSA) carries out this essential monitoring role in the UK. FSA’s pesticide residues surveillance programme monitors pesticide residues* in food and drink, including infant foods, in the UK supply chain.

In order to take account of the specific nature of foods specifically made for infants, current EU legislation (Directive 2006/125/EC), strictly regulates levels of pesticide residues legally allowed in manufactured baby foods, with a maximum residue limit of 0.01mg/kg.

An update of the results from the government’s monitoring of pesticide residues in food, reviewed by the Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues in Food (PRiF) was published this month by the FSA.

Of the 66 infant food samples analysed (fruit and vegetable based), no residues were detected.

The results highlight the important work that industry continues to do, carefully selecting ingredients and raw materials to comply with the legislation, ensuring the highest quality and safety of products designed for infants and young children.

* The term pesticide residue means the chemical trace of a pesticide which may be found in or on our food.

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