Posted on: June 06, 2017

Department of Health Consultation: The Availability of Gluten Free Foods on Prescription in Primary Care

You may be aware that the Department of Health (DH) has launched a consultation to seek views on their proposals on whether or not to make changes to the availability of gluten-free foods that are prescribed in primary care.

What is the Department of Health asking?

The Department of Health want to hear your views on three specific questions:

  1. Do you think gluten-free foods should be available on prescription in primary care?
  2. Do you think gluten-free prescribing should be restricted to certain foods?
  3. Do you think the range of bread products available on NHS prescription should be limited?

British Specialist Nutrition Association (BSNA) Survey

As the BSNA, we are asking for the views and opinions of those who suffer from coeliac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis, or is caring for someone who suffers, to make the case to the DH that the prescribing of gluten-free foods is an essential NHS service that should be available to all people with clinically diagnosed coeliac disease.

BSNA would like to ask you some questions. The survey takes less than 5 minutes and your answers will help support our response to the consultation.

If you would like to take part in this survey please click here.

Your answers will help inform the consultation as it considers three options for the future. These are:

  • Option 1: Make no changes to the current system
  • Option 2: To end the prescribing of gluten-free foods in primary care
  • Option 3: To allow the prescribing of certain gluten-free foods (e.g. bread and flour) in primary care
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